
In the evening, when my children have floated off to dreamland, I put off important stuff like loading the dishwasher and instead write about the many, many strange things that have happened to me. And some other things that interest me.

I’ve just read that sentence back and I’m appalled by how boring it is. But the stuff I write about is way more interesting, unless you don’t like travel, football, hidden bits of London, hilarious stories of haplessness or gardening. Yes, I’ve discovered the joys of mulch, rhizomes and tubers. Deal with it.

Before putting my progeny to bed, I spend the big part of my day being the content, communications and brand person at an awesome company called Volt. I’ve been doing this kind of thing since 2008, as my LinkedIn profile will tell you (please ignore my profile pic; many thanks).

If you really want to, you can send me a message using the form below. If my secretary likes what they see, they’ll almost certainly pass it on. If you’re rude, they’ll definitely pass it on.

Lots of love and bye for now x